Send Free SMS with Photos, Videos and Files

Are you getting bored of sending the same old text sms to family and friends?

Do you want to add something like an expression to your boring text SMS? How about adding a smily? 🙂 😉 Well, they are soooo old. 😀

Then, how about adding a photo or a video to a boring SMS? Yes, you can add a photo of yourself or a new friend or your cat or dog or a video of how you look in your new dress or how you are driving your friend’s bike and send it to virtually any one using this unique photo sharing web application.

Virtually, there is no limit on what you can share with your friends and family. All you need to have is, the mobile number of your family and friends.

Sounds exciting? Yes, it is.  It is a lot of fun and excitement when you share your personal moments with your family and friends. Let’s dig in and learn what this web app actually does. Continue reading